IXth International Conference on Urban History

August 27-30, 2008

Lyon France
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Urbanisation and changing administrative borders

The administrative borders of cities often are a frontier towards a surrounding area with different status. Entering the city could mean crossing into an area with different practices, privileges, laws, regulations, culture, and even human rights and lingua franca. Still, the administrative borders do not have to, and rarely do, coincide with the limits of the built up area, creating situations of over- or underbound cities. Especially during times of urbanisation the built up areas have often grown faster than the administrative city boundaries. But examples of the opposite can also be found, a kind of colonialist city management where cities incorporate areas with potential for future development. Urbanisation affects administrative borders, and administrative borders affect urbanisation and urban growth.

The session would include discussions about urban land use, urban sprawl, status and difference in classification of suburbs, incorporation issues such as migration effects or urbanism in formerly independent suburbs etc., urban democracy and urban planning in the relation between the city and its surroundings, city growth comparisons, and other topics looking at the relationship between urbanisation and changing administrative borders.

Session conveners:

  • Linus Bellander
  • Lars Nilsson

Session type: Specialist Session

Classification: M - Modern


Autour de Lyon : les limites administratives comme frein au développement de l'agglomération au 20ème siècle?

Author(s): meillerand, marie-clotilde 

Des fortifications de 1840 à l’annexion des communes suburbaines en 1860 : à la recherche des anticipations de l’extension parisienne



Author(s): Bogus, Lucia ; D'Ottaviano, Maria Camila ; Pasternak, Suzana 

Prague. Urban development of the Middle-European metropolis.

Author(s): Svatosova, Hana 

Swedish Citites' Incorporation Strategies

Author(s): Bellander, Linus 

The countryside turning into suburbia : The expansion of the city of Helsinki, c. 1910-1960

Author(s): Niemi, Marjaana