IXth International Conference on Urban History

August 27-30, 2008

Lyon France
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Framing identities, building political organizations. The construction of urban political identities in Late Medieval Western Europe

In recent years, studies on political identity in the middle ages are characterized by a growing attention for the urban element in society, as proves the importance of the analysis of discourses about the political identity of town dwellers and their relationship with both the feudal world and the growing "national" states.
Our aim is to identify the problems involved in the construction of such urban political identities, moulded not only by specific political realities, different levels of urbanisation, and economical, political, etc. difference, but the social structure of cities, the access to power and the relationship between urban (sub)groups and (sub)cultures. Attempts will be made to make an analysis of the different levels that were instrumental for their creation, continuity, changes and
The session will centre around: the tools and strategies related to the construction of identities; their relationship with specific social contexts and implicit and explicit social, political, etc. ambitions the various urban actors might have; and
the coexistence and interaction of identities and their consequence for the construction of political identities, strategies and social networks.
This analysis will comprise the urban realities in Western Europe.

Session conveners:

  • José Antonio Jara Fuente
  • Peter Stabel

Session type: Main

Classification: MA - Middle Ages


Construction politique et juridique de l'identité urbaine en Rouergue au Moyen Âge

Author(s): GARNIER, Florent 

Du village à la patrie : les identités urbaines en Provence

Author(s): Hébert, Michel 

Group Identity of Medieval Councils; A Comparison between English, Swedish and German Towns

Author(s): Gustafsson, Sofia 

Identité urbaine et modèle politique dans la Couronne d'Aragon

Author(s): SABATE, FLOCEL 

Le villes italiennes du Centre et du Nord: une identité territoriale et étatique (XVe – XVIe siècles)

Author(s): Chittolini, Giorgio 

Multiple social identities in the late medieval city of northwest Europe

Author(s): Stabel, Peter 

Reality and appearance: the construction of an urban identity and the elites of Southern Portugal in the late Middle Ages

Author(s): Vilar, Hermínia 

Visual discourses of distinction: early Netherlandish painting as vehicle of social and political identity

Author(s): De Rock, Jelle ; Lichtert, Katrien 

War, territorial blockade and seigneurial pressure: external constrictions and stimuli in the construction of urban collective identities in fifteenth-century Castile

Author(s): Jara Fuente, José Antonio